Trial event figure maker
This function makes a picture like this:
I wrote this because I was too lazy to do it by hand :) You set it up using a task_specs structure illustrated as the default in the m-file. The stimulus displays would probably require most extra work of course.
As always, remember to save the figure in a suitable format (e.g. tiff) if you plan on ever having it printed!
function task_figure(varargin) % function task_figure(task_specs, angle) % % task_specs.times [ms] % task_specs.names % task_specs.interval_names % task_specs.stim % task_specs.plotting.eventArrowLength; % task_specs.plotting.screenSize; % task_specs.plotting.plotside; % % Thomas Edward Gladwin, June 2006. % if length(varargin) >= 1, task_specs = varargin{1}; else, task_specs = []; end; if isempty(task_specs), task_specs.times = [0 1500 3500 4250 5500]; task_specs.names{1} = 'Cue'; task_specs.names{2} = 'Stimulus'; task_specs.names{3} = 'End of trial'; task_specs.names{4} = 'Next trial'; task_specs.names{5} = []; task_specs.interval_names{1} = 'Preparation interval'; task_specs.interval_names{2} = 'Response interval'; task_specs.interval_names{3} = 'Inter-trial interval'; task_specs.interval_names{4} = []; task_specs.stim{1} = {'*' 'R'}; task_specs.stim{2} = {'L' 'R'}; task_specs.stim{3} = {' '}; task_specs.stim{4} = {'*' '*'}; task_specs.stim{5} = []; task_specs.plotting.eventArrowLength = 0.1; task_specs.plotting.screenSize = 0.1; task_specs.plotting.plotside = 600; end; if length(varargin) >= 2, angle = varargin{2}; else angle = pi / 8; end; conditionNames = fieldnames(task_specs); t0 = task_specs.times(1); t_end = task_specs.times(end); t_buffer = 0; %0.1 * (t_end - t0); t0 = t0 - t_buffer; t_end = t_end + t_buffer; timeLineX = [t0 t_end * cos(angle)]; timeLineY = [t0 t_end * sin(angle)]; timeLineL = sqrt(diff(timeLineX) .^ 2 + diff(timeLineY) .^ 2); figure(1); clf; hold on; minx = timeLineX(1) - 0.1 * abs(diff(timeLineX)); maxx = timeLineX(2) + 0.1 * abs(diff(timeLineX)); miny = timeLineY(1) - 1.2 * task_specs.plotting.screenSize * timeLineL; maxy = timeLineY(2) + 1.6 * task_specs.plotting.eventArrowLength * timeLineL; XLim(sort([minx maxx])); YLim(sort([miny maxy])); set(gca, 'XTick', []); set(gca, 'YTick', []); fprintf('Now stretch to beautifulness\n'); dx = diff(xlim); dy = diff(ylim); pos = get(gcf, 'Position'); if dx > dy, pos = [25 25 task_specs.plotting.plotside task_specs.plotting.plotside * dy / dx]; else, pos = [25 25 task_specs.plotting.plotside * dx / dy task_specs.plotting.plotside]; end; set(gcf, 'Position', pos); time_line = plot(timeLineX, timeLineY, 'k-'); set(time_line, 'LineWidth', 2); arrow(timeLineX, timeLineY, 0.1, pi/8, [0 0 0], '-', 2); % Events for iScreen = 1:length(task_specs.names), screenX = timeLineX(1) + diff(timeLineX) * (task_specs.times(iScreen) + t_buffer) / (t_end + t_buffer); screenY = timeLineY(1) + diff(timeLineY) * (task_specs.times(iScreen) + t_buffer)/ (t_end + t_buffer); if ~isempty(task_specs.names{iScreen}), x = [screenX screenX] y = [screenY screenY + task_specs.plotting.eventArrowLength * timeLineL] arrow(x, y, 0.2, pi/8, [0 0 0], '-', 1); % once for extent... t = text(x(2), y(2), task_specs.names{iScreen}); ext = get(t, 'Extent'); xshift = ext(3) / 2; yshift = ext(4) / 2; set(t, 'Visible', 'off'); t = text(x(2) - xshift, y(2) + yshift, task_specs.names{iScreen}); end; end; % interval names for iScreen = 1:length(task_specs.interval_names) screenX1 = timeLineX(1) + diff(timeLineX) * (task_specs.times(iScreen) + t_buffer) / (t_end + t_buffer); screenY1 = timeLineY(1) + diff(timeLineY) * (task_specs.times(iScreen) + t_buffer)/ (t_end + t_buffer); screenX2 = timeLineX(1) + diff(timeLineX) * (task_specs.times(iScreen + 1) + t_buffer) / (t_end + t_buffer); screenY2 = timeLineY(1) + diff(timeLineY) * (task_specs.times(iScreen + 1) + t_buffer)/ (t_end + t_buffer); screenX = mean([screenX1 screenX2]); screenY = mean([screenY1 screenY2]); if ~isempty(task_specs.interval_names{iScreen}), screenSize0 = task_specs.plotting.screenSize * timeLineL; intArrowLength = 1.5 * screenSize0; x = [screenX screenX + cos(pi / 4) * intArrowLength]; y = [screenY screenY - sin(pi / 4) * intArrowLength]; arrow(x, y, 0.2, pi/8, [0 0 0], '-', 1); % once for extent... t = text(x(2), y(2), task_specs.interval_names{iScreen}); ext = get(t, 'Extent'); xshift = ext(3) / length(task_specs.interval_names{iScreen}); yshift = ext(4) / length(task_specs.interval_names{iScreen}); set(t, 'Visible', 'off'); t = text(x(2) + xshift, y(2) - yshift, task_specs.interval_names{iScreen}); end; end; % screens for iScreen = length(task_specs.names):(-1):1, screenX = timeLineX(1) + diff(timeLineX) * (task_specs.times(iScreen) + t_buffer) / (t_end + t_buffer); screenY = timeLineY(1) + diff(timeLineY) * (task_specs.times(iScreen) + t_buffer)/ (t_end + t_buffer); if ~isempty(task_specs.stim{iScreen}), screenSize0 = task_specs.plotting.screenSize * timeLineL; pos = [screenX - screenSize0 / 2 screenY - screenSize0 screenSize0 screenSize0]; verticesX = [pos(1); pos(1) + pos(3); pos(1) + pos(3); pos(1)]; verticesY = [pos(2); pos(2); pos(2) + pos(4); pos(2) + pos(4)]; fill(verticesX, verticesY, [1 1 1]); rect0 = rectangle('Position', pos); nStim = length(task_specs.stim{iScreen}); for iStim = 1:nStim, x0 = pos(1) + pos(3) / 2; dStim = 0.8 * pos(4) / nStim; y0 = (pos(2) + 0.9 * pos(4)) - dStim * iStim; % once for extent... t = text(x0, y0, task_specs.stim{iScreen}{iStim}); ext = get(t, 'Extent'); xshift = ext(3) / 2; yshift = ext(4) / 2; set(t, 'Visible', 'off'); t = text(x0 - xshift, y0 + yshift, task_specs.stim{iScreen}{iStim}); end; end; end; function arrow(varargin) % function arrow(x0, y0, r, angle, arrowheadsize, arrowheadangle, colorvec, linestyle, linewidth) % function arrow(x_comp, y_comp, arrowheadsize, arrowheadangle, colorvec, linestyle, linewidth) % % x_comp and y_comp must contain two values. % Trailing plotting parameters may be ommitted. Any plotting parameter can be specified as [] for defaults. axes0 = gca; if length(varargin{1}) == 1, x0 = varargin{1}; y0 = varargin{2}; r = varargin{3}; angle = varargin{4}; x_comp = [x0 x0 + r * cos(angle)]; y_comp = [x0 x0 + r * sin(angle)]; plotParIndex = 5; else, x_comp = varargin{1}; y_comp = varargin{2}; r = sqrt(diff(x_comp) .^ 2 + diff(y_comp) .^ 2); angle = atan2(diff(y_comp), diff(x_comp)); plotParIndex = 3; end; if length(varargin) >= plotParIndex, headSize = varargin{plotParIndex} * r; if isempty(headSize ), headSize = 0.1 * r; end; else, headSize = 0.1 * r; end; if length(varargin) >= plotParIndex + 1, headAngle = varargin{plotParIndex + 1}; if isempty(headAngle), headAngle = pi / 8; end; else, headAngle = pi / 8; end; if length(varargin) >= plotParIndex + 2, color = varargin{plotParIndex + 2}; if isempty(color), color = [0 0 0]; end; else, color = [0 0 0]; end; if length(varargin) >= plotParIndex + 3, linestyle = varargin{plotParIndex + 3}; if isempty(linestyle), linestyle = '-'; end; else, linestyle = '-'; end; if length(varargin) >= plotParIndex + 4, linewidth = varargin{plotParIndex + 4}; if isempty(linewidth), linewidth = 0.1; end; else, linewidth = 0.1; end; holding = get(axes0, 'NextPlot'); if strcmp(holding, 'replace') == 1, cla; end; %set(axes0, 'NextPlot', 'add'); % The main line drawLine(x_comp, y_comp, color, linestyle, linewidth); % The head: draw on origin on a lying arrow, then rotate and translate. headPoint = getHeadPoint(angle, headSize, headAngle, x_comp, y_comp); drawLine([x_comp(2) headPoint(1)], [y_comp(2) headPoint(2)], color, linestyle, linewidth); headPoint = getHeadPoint(angle, headSize, -headAngle, x_comp, y_comp); drawLine([x_comp(2) headPoint(1)], [y_comp(2) headPoint(2)], color, linestyle, linewidth); % whitespace if necessary xlim1 = [min(x_comp - headSize) max(x_comp + headSize)]; ylim1 = [min(y_comp - headSize) max(y_comp + headSize)]; xlim0 = get(gca, 'XLim'); ylim0 = get(gca, 'YLim'); xlim2 = [min([xlim0(1); xlim1(1)]) max([xlim0(2); xlim1(2)])]; ylim2 = [min([ylim0(1); ylim1(1)]) max([ylim0(2); ylim1(2)])]; set(gca, 'XLim', xlim2); set(gca, 'YLim', ylim2); %set(axes0, 'NextPlot', holding); function line0 = drawLine(x_comp, y_comp, color, linestyle, linewidth); line0 = line(x_comp, y_comp); set(line0, 'Color', color); set(line0, 'LineStyle', linestyle); set(line0, 'LineWidth', linewidth); function headPoint = getHeadPoint(angle, headSize, headAngle, x_comp, y_comp) headPoint = headSize * [-cos(headAngle); sin(headAngle)]; rotation_matrix = [cos(angle) -sin(angle); sin(angle) cos(angle)]; headPoint = rotation_matrix * headPoint + [x_comp(2); y_comp(2)];